The MVTP Community Poling program is temporarily not taking any new applications. Please check back periodically to see when we restart hiring. Thank you for your interest in wanting to become a volunteer with the Waterfront CPC.
The Recruiting Process:
1) Download and complete the volunteer application.
2) Email your volunteer application and a copy of your valid BCDL to: joinwfcpc@gmail.com
3) Reference Checks
4) Panel Interview
5) Extensive Background Check by the Metro Vancouver Transit Police Recruiting Unit
6) Successful completion of orientation and training
***Incomplete and illegible applications will not be processed***
Unlike some other similar volunteer programs, we have a very selective and rigorous recruiting process for our volunteers. Our experience is that the extra time and attention we put into selecting our volunteers ultimately leads to a successful team environment. Having said that, it does take longer to process volunteer applications as a result - we thank you in advance for your patience.

Top 5 Reasons To Join Waterfront CPC:
Unique: We are the only Transit community policing centre in North America.
Mentorship: Volunteers get to work under the guidance of CPC Coordinator Mike Vuong, police officers at the Metro Vancouver Transit Police, NPO's and CSO's.
Public Safety: Through visibility and education, volunteers are able to contribute to a safe public transit system in Metro Vancouver.
Accessible Locations: Volunteers report out of our office at Waterfront Station as part of their volunteer patrols.
Community Engagement: Waterfront CPC volunteers attend numerous events every year, where they gain meaningful connections with the diverse communities within Metro Vancouver.
Since it's inception, we have had over 20 volunteers hired on with careers in public safety such as police officers with the Metro Vancouver Transit Police and Community Safety Officer programs, Vancouver Police Department, West Vancouver Police Department, New Westminster Police Department, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, CAF, CBSA, Corrections, Surrey Police Service, BC Sheriff Service and Skytrain and Canada Line attendants.